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Officers and Patch Leaders Pictures and Biographies

Dickie Martin - President
I have served as President of the SC Gourd Society since 2007. My first experience with gourds was in 2002 when I planted my first crop of gourds, not realizing this venture would become a major part of my and Linda lives. The growing part is always a challenge each year, the fun part is getting to know and becoming friends with folks who work with as well as those who grow gourds around the country. The SC Gourd Society and the Board of Directors are a great group to work with and I’ve enjoyed being a part.

Terry Humphries - Membership Secretary
I am a retired Registered Nurse. I have always been involved with crafts of all kinds. I started painting about 30 years ago. I’ve been hooked on gourds for almost 10 years. My favorite things to do with gourds is painting, wood burning and creative rim treatments. I’m still developing my carving skills! I have taught many classes, and am always looking for something new to try on gourds! I am an active member of the Cypress Gourd Patch, having served as their leader for 2 years. I currently serve as their secretary. I am also honored to be a gourd competition judge for the American Gourd Society.
Anna Fountain- Cypress Gourd Patch Leader & SCGS Treasurer
My name is Anna Fountain, I have a small business degree that is heavy on the accounting side. I have 20 years in Technical Writing, Illustrating, and training in an industrial environment, and moved into the self-employed side of business doing the book keeping for all my husband’s businesses. I started designing and creating jewelry as a side job and stepped into gourd art accidently, and was hooked forever. I have been working with gourds for around 10 years and love it as much or more as the first time I created a bird house and a gourd light. I am currently the president of the Cypress Gourd patch, registrar for the SC Gourd festival, and Treasurer for The South Carolina Gourd Society.

Linda Martin - Secretary
Secretary- Linda Martin, Ghost Creek Gourd Farm. I have lived in Laurens SC all my life. With 4 children and now 9 grandchildren I have stayed pretty busy and have had a very happy and blessed life. Dickie and I started with gourds in 2002 and have been growers since. We’ve seen the gourd business grow through the years which created more work but it has also given us friends from around the United States. We’ve also been a part of the South Carolina Gourd Society and I’ve just recently started serving as the Secretary of this group which is also a pleasure to work with

Alice Dees - Palmetto Gourd Patch Leader

Linda Campbell - Webmaster
Linda lives in Inman, SC, and is a mother, Quilter, avid raptor watcher, works full time, and is a gourd artist. She started gourding about 10 years ago after learning about gourding due to helping a friend look for woodworking equipment. After dropping in on a Palmetto Gourd Patch meeting one Saturday, she was hooked. She has enjoyed woodburning, and experimenting with alcohol inks , and learning new techniques to embellish the gourds with reeds and other other embellishments. Linda is a member of the Palmetto Gourd Patch, and South Carolina Gourd Society.

Kristie Hull - Facebook Editor/ Publicity
​My name is Kristie Hull and I'm from Wedgefield SC. I love to create all kinds of things and have been doing crafts for as long as I can remember. I love repurposing items. I'm always thinking about what i will create next. I started with gourds almost 9 years ago. I am a member of the SC Gourd Society, Cypress Gourd Patch (co-president) in Sumter SC. I love wood burning, mixed media techniques and jewelry making.