The following buttons link to some Tool and Equipment vendors used by state members.
New Driving Directions using I-26 from Spartanburg area
Glamor Chick Feather Fawcett
Robyn Goode
Thomasville, NC
In this class, students will make Feather Fawcett. Robyn will show you how to use armature to make a fun-loving chicken. Students will paint their chicken, and then add her accessories, like shoes, pearls, lace, and other things to make her sparkle. She will be 7-8 inches tall.
Minimum: 4 Students Maximum: 12 Students Openings Remaining: 9
Skill Level: All Levels Welcome
Skills Taught: /Armature, Clay Work (apolxy Clay Quickwood), Painting, Mixed Media
Students Bring:
Basic protection: Apron
Instructor Provides: Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheets, Paint, Paintbrushes, Glue, Wire, Quickwood Clay working tools, Heat Gun
Previously Taught At: New Class
Will be Taught At: Waynesville 2025
$50 - Offered Saturday PM
Code: SPM01

Gourdgeously Patriotic
Lisa Mohr
Brevard, NC
The instructor will provide a door (hanger) or wall (mountable) metal bicycle and all the supplies to decorate it. The students will complete 3 gourds, 1 with chain beading, and 2 with different paint techniques to go in the basket of the bike. These gourds will be patriotic for the 4th of July, but you can change out the contents in the basket for different seasons or holidays.
Minimum: 4 Students Maximum: 8 Students Openings Remaining: 6
Skill Level: All Levels Welcome
Skills Taught: Painting, Sealing, Mixed Media with chain beading, and Dawn Powerwash.
Students Bring:
Basic protection items: apron, dusk mask, tweezers (instructor will have a few to borrow)
Instructor Provides:
Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Paint, Paintbrushes, Heat Gun, Chain Beads Double Tape, Jewelry cutters, Masking Tape, Mod Podge.
Previously Taught At: Not Provided
Will Be Taught At: Not Provided

$50 - Offered Saturday PM
Code: SPM02

Scribble Burned Leaf w/Scribble Carved Rim
Troy Tatum
Griffin, GA
This class will guide you step by step through the process of utilizing the underused technique of scribble carving for the rim and scribble burning to create this beautiful fall leaf on a gourd. We will utilize transparent acrylics to color the leaf and ink dye to color the rim.
Minimum: 4 Students Maximum: 12 Students Openings Remaining: 9
Skill Level: All skill levels welcome
Skills Taught: Woodburning, Power Carving, Coloring with transparent acrylics
Students Bring: Apron, Dust mask, Eye Protection, Hearing protection, Protective Gloves, Wood burner and tools (adjustable temperature, Carver and Carving bits (Medium inverted cone and medium ball carbide steel bits)
Instructor Provides:
Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, patterns, Heat Gun. Students who need to borrow a Wood Burner should make a request to Troy
Previously Taught At: 2019 @ Cherokee
Will Be Taught At: n/a
$55 - Offered Saturday PM
Code: SPM03

Basket Weave
Sheryl Scott
Munfordville, KY
Create a woven basket on a Martin Gourd. You will learn how to cut and clean out a gourd, use dye and a sealer. You will weave on the gourd to create a basket.
Minimum: 3 Students Maximum: 12 Students Openings Remaining: 6
Skill Level: All Levels Welcome
Skills Taught: Cleaning, Basketry, Staining, and Sealing
Students Bring:
Basic Protection gear - Aprons, Clippers and Scissors to cut Reed, Eye Protection
Instructor Provides:
Prepared Gourd, Detailed Instruction Sheet, pattern, leather Inks, Basket Reed, Sealant
Previously Taught At: 2019 @ SC, NC, AL
Will Be Taught At: n/a
$50 - Offered Saturday PM
Code: SPM 04

Stained Glass Lily Bowl
Diane Ricker
Peachtree Corners, GA
With the summer coming, what a beautiful bowl of lilies to display on your table,
The leading around the petals and leaves adds an extra special touch. If you have sharp scissors, bring them, but there will be some to share. If you have a small light weight hammer, that would be good to bring as well.
Minimum: 3 Students Maximum: 10 Students Openings Remaining: 0
Skill Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Skills Taught: Painting, Mixed Media
Students Bring: Apron, sharp scissors, and a light weight hammer if you have it.
Instructor Provides:
Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Pattern, Paint, Paintbrushes, Leading for stained glass.
Previously Taught At: New Class
Will Be Taught At: N/A
$45 - Offered Saturday PM
Code: SPM05
Design with Ball & Chain
Susan Nonn
Elk Mills, MD
This class will explore the art of "ball and chain".
Minimum: 6 Students Maximum: 12 Students
Openings Remaining: 10
Skill Level: Beginner
Skills Taught: Mixed Media
Students Bring:
Basic protection: Apron, Awl, Pair of tweezers, X-acto knife with a new blade, Jewelry wire cutters or craft scissors
Instructor Provides: Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheets, 8" gourd that's already been cleaned, dyed, sealed, and painted black inside. Twenty chains (5 black, 15 of assorted colors). Heavy duty tape, Material to rim the gourd.
Previously Taught At: 2025 PA Craftsmen Gallery
Will be Taught At: N/A
$55 - Offered Saturday PM
Code: SPM06