The following buttons link to some Tool and Equipment vendors used by state members.
New Driving Directions using I-26 from Spartanburg area

Registrations Close: April 15, 2025
Get your registrations in early! Classes will fill in fast!
Please review the classes offered under the 2025 Festival tab, listed by class periods of Friday PM, Saturday AM, and Saturday PM.
Download the below forms to your computer by double clicking and opening on your computer. If you have Microsoft Word, you can fill out the Word version on your computer then print. Otherwise, please print either form (Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF versions provided) and fill the form in.
Mail your completed form to the address on the form, along with payment for your First Choice classes. You can also email a copy of your form to the address on the bottom of the registration form to speed up your class registration, but, you MUST ALSO MAIL IN THE HARD COPY WITH YOUR CHECK.
You will be contacted upon receipt of your form.