The following buttons link to some Tool and Equipment vendors used by state members.
New Driving Directions using I-26 from Spartanburg area
Attends all Board and general membership Society meetings
Assists with development of state regional patches, publicity and coordination of other officers
Sets the agenda for society meetings
Monitors treasury funds
Serves as ex-officio member of all committees
Establishes necessary committees and appoints committee Chairs
Coordinates with other SCGS officers
Assists with any Presidential duties at the President's request
Assumes all duties of the Presidency in the absence of the President and continues until the return of the President, or until the next general election
Responsible for planning and implementing statewide general membership meetings
Submits plan sixty days prior to the scheduled date of the planned statewide general membership meeting
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Membership Secretary
Keeps an up-to date list of all Society members, current and expired, alphabetically, by county
Receives all membership applications for the Society, mails membership cards and other Society literature
Keeps an accurate record of membership monies forwarded to the Society Treasurer
Notifies Society members of their expiration status prior to expiration
Provides a membership list to the American Gourd Society upon request
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Maintains accurate Society financial records and accounts in writing
Receives all Society bills, receipts for expenses incurred and pays them, keeping an accurate record in writing of disbursements
Deposits all Society monies received in a bank convenient to the Treasurer
Submits a written report of Society receipts and disbursements to the President each quarter and/or upon request
Submits a financial report to the membership at the general membership meetings
Participates with the Audit Committee in an annual audit of records
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Records and is custodian of all official activities of the Society
Conducts all necessary Society correspondence
Provides copies of all official business and proceedings, agendas and minutes
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Gather information from the Patches
​Shares information gathered with both the Facebook Group Editor and the Webmaster.
Distributes gathered information to various outlets, both electronic, web and print, in order to further the recognition of the Society and its members
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Event Photographer
Manages the pictorial events for the Society
Has scrapbook available at all Society meetings of pictures, clippings, etc., that tell about activities and accomplishments of the Society
Provides pictures to both the Facebook Group Editor and the Webmaster
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Facebook Group Editor
Manages membership and content of the Facebook group for the Society
Shares Facebook content with the Webmaster for key notices
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers
Manages content of the website for the Society
​Shares website content with the Facebook Group Editor for key notices
Coordinates with SCGS President and other officers