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Friday PM Classes                      1 PM - 5 PM

                           Sari Gourd 

                               Holly Gallagher                                         

             Griffin, GA


The student will apply recycled Sari Silk yarn to the outside of a gourd.  The Teacher will supply a cut, cleaned, and gold(inside) gourd, including all needed supplies.


Minimum:  6 Students         Maximum:  12 Students   Openings Remaining: 10

Skill Level:           All Skill Levels are welcome. 

Skills Taught:      Mixed Media


Students Bring:   Apron. and a pair of scissors


Instructor Provides:

Prepared Gourd, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Glue, Recycled Sari Silk Yarn

Previously Taught At:  N/A

Will Be Taught At:        N/A

$35 - Offered Friday PM 
Code:  FPM01

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                               Butterflies in Flight

                                       Donna McCarthy 

   Franklin NC     


​This gourd class utilizes 3 techniques, woodburning, carving and painting.  Colorful butterflies fliting around in a circle while the neck of the martin gourd is designed in an arch.  The gourd skin is removed on the neck with filigree filling the space.  Lastly, Alcohol ink is used to shade the gourd body.  
Other patterns will be available to use other than butterflies if desired, such as flowers, dragon flies, or twining leaves. 


Minimum:  2 Students         Maximum:  12 Students  Openings Remaining: 5

Skill Level:           Intermediate

Skills Taught:      Carving, Wood burning, Painting, and Staining.


Students Bring:

Basic protection items: apron and gloves, Eye Protection, Small Paint Brushes for painting butterflies,  Woodburner ,Carver, with  burr 192 or your favorite burr for removing skin, filipoint or zip carver.  


Instructor Provides:

Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Patterns, Alcohol Dyes, Paint, Paintbrushes, Heat Gun, and a Wood Burner if the student requests one. 


Previously Taught At:  N/A

Will Be Taught At:        Not Provided

$55- Offered Friday PM
Code:  FPM02

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     Zebra Stripe Leaves

                    Debbie Wilson                                          

                 Travelers Rest, SC


​Using a black/green dyed gourd, leaves will be carved with lines depicting stripes.  One side of the leaves are concentric, and the other is a solid stripe. We will be using a rotary carver with a very small round bit and a larger round bit.  

Please make sure that you have collets that fit your carver and your bits. 

All materials except rotary tool and bits will be provided.  If you do not have a carver, Debbie does have a few carvers that can be reserved in advance if you need.


Minimum:  4 Students       Maximum:  12 Students     Openings Remaining: 9

Skill Level:         All skill levels welcome

Skills Taught:    Carving

Students Bring:  Apron, Dusk Mask,Eye Protection, Carver, Carving Bits (Small sharp ball, small dental bits if you have them, but make sure you have the correct collets or shafts necessary to use the dental bits.)


Instructor Provides:

Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Paint brushes, Alcohol Dyes, Patterns.


Previously Taught At:  2011 @ Ghost Creek, and 2012 Mississippi Gourd Show

Will Be Taught At:  N/A

$40 - Offered Friday PM         
Code:  FPM03

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        The Puzzler

                   Lisa Mohr                                          

                 Brevard, NC


Using a large gourd, the student will saw cut outs in the gourd.  Next the students will paint the outside with ink dyes.  The gourd will be embellished with wood puzzle pieces, pieces from puzzles, beads, wired to the gourd.  

Each student's gourd will be unique according to each student's cut outs and puzzle embellishments.  

The gourd can be mounted or left free standing.  


Minimum:  4 Students       Maximum:  8 Students     Openings Remaining: 8

Skill Level:         All skill levels welcome

Skills Taught:    Cutting a gourd, Painting, Drilling. 

Students Bring:  Apron, Dust Mask, Eye Protection, Needle Nose Pliers, Drill, Drill Bits (Size 1/16), Heat Gun, and a Gourd Saw with blades.   The instructor has a few that can be loaned, but please reach out to the instructor if you will need to borrow a saw so that she can know how many to bring. 


Instructor Provides:

Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Ink Dyes, Wire, Heat Gun to share,  Puzzle Pieces, Beads, Stands (if the students want one).  


Previously Taught At:  N/A

Will Be Taught At:  March 2025 Dahlonega Patch (similar concept but smaller gourd)

$50 - Offered Friday PM         
Code:  FPM04


      Jewelry/Trinket Box

                   Sheryl Scott                                          

                 Munfordville, KY


Students will get to pick a design to woodburn onto the top of the trinket box.  If time allows, they will also get to put color on, using Welburn inks and dyes. 


Minimum:  3 Students       Maximum:  12 Students     Openings Remaining: 11

Skill Level:         All skill levels welcome

Skills Taught:    Woodburning, Staining, Sealing, Drilling

Students Bring:  Apron,Heat Gun, Woodburner, skews, ball tip wood burning pens. 
If you need to rent a wood burner for $10, please advise the teacher. 


Instructor Provides:

Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Patterns, Patterns, alcohol Dyes, Leather inks, Paintbrushes, Wood burner (available to rent for $10)


Previously Taught At:  2023 NCGS Festival

Will Be Taught At:  n/a

$45 - Offered Friday PM         
Code:  FPM05

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  Goldie Hen the Chicken of Zen

                   Robyn Goode                                          

                 Thomasville, NC


In this class, the students will make fun Sun Catchers with Zen Chicken Goldie Hen.  Students will be shown how to use wire and clay to make Zen Chickens.  We will be using quick wood and 19 gauge wire to form the chickens.  Next, the chickens will be painted and sealed so they can hand in the middle of the ring.  Using a 6" wire ring, students will add beads to catch the sun and embellish it with moss, flowers, and mushrooms.  A chain will be added so that the chicken can be hung to catch the sun's rays.   Your work will be 6 inches wide and 8-10" tall with chain (the metal ring is 6"x6")


Minimum: 4 Students       Maximum:  12 Students     Openings Remaining: 11

Skill Level:         All skill levels welcome

Skills Taught:    Armature, Clay Work (apoxy, clay, Quickwood), painting, Mixed Media

Students Bring:  Apron,  


Instructor Provides:

Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Paint, Glue, Wire, Quickwood, Clay working tools, Heat Gun. 

Previously Taught At:     New Class

Will Be Taught At:  2025 Waynesville

$45 - Offered Friday PM         
Code:  FPM06

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     Silly Frilly Birdhouse

                   Diane Ricker                                          

           Peachtree Corners, GA


Just for fun, let's paint a super colorful house for the most sophisticated birds!  Students will be provided with all supplies including an identipen (necessary to outline images).  Bring your favorite brushes, but brushes will be available.  

A good 0 or 00 liner brush would be helpful. 


Minimum: 3 Students       Maximum:  12 Students     Openings Remaining: 11

Skill Level:         Beginner and Intermediate

Skills Taught:    Painting

Students Bring:  Apron,  0 or 00 liner brush. 


Instructor Provides:

Prepared gourds, Detailed Instruction Sheet, Paint, Paintbrushes, Wire for Hanging.   

Previously Taught At:     New Class

Will Be Taught At:  N/A

$50 - Offered Friday PM         
Code:  FPM07

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