The following buttons link to some Tool and Equipment vendors used by state members.
New Driving Directions using I-26 from Spartanburg area
All officers and patch leaders are volunteers, serving a two-year term, except for the Treasurer, which is a three year term. Officer responsibilities, pictures and biographies are available under other tabs on the Officers menu selection. An advisory board, including elected officers and patch leaders, meets periodically to conduct SC Gourd Society business. The next membership meeting is April @ the Ghost Creek Gourd Festival at Ghost Creek Gourd Farms in Laurens, SC (12:30pm).
Elected Officers and Patch Leaders
Vice President
Membership Secretary
Facebook Editor /Publicity
Dickie Martin
Linda Kincaid
Anna Fountain
Linda Martin
Terry Humphries
Linda Campbell
Kristie Hull
Different positions expire each year. Candidates for open positions may be self-nominated, or nominated by others, by contacting the Membership Secretary. Elections are held at the annual April SC Gourd Festival.
Patch Leaders
Cypress Gourd Patch
Palmetto Gourd Patch
Anna Fountain
Alice Dees